March 6, 2025

Attendance: 30


1.       Welcome; Meeting started at 7:00 PM

2.       Guests/First Meeting

a.       Dave Potts (different from the former treasurer)

i.      Lives in Bordentown

ii.      Dad was cabinet maker, I am an industrial arts teacher in Columbus

iii.      Getting ready to retire after 44 years

b.       Dave Blue

i.      Retired PSE&G

ii.      Carpenter, working to be a cabinet maker

3.       Old Business

a.       Museum visits

i.      Esherick in Phoenixville PA. Small groups

ii.      Field trip to Nakashima near New Hope, PA. Cost $150/person for guided tour, $75/person for walk around tour. Not deemed feasible.

b.       Rockler: Members need to re-register up front for 10% discount

4.       Presentation 1 by John Owen: Williamsburg

a.       Annual event in January at Colonial Williamsburg, focused on furniture making in 18th century

b.       On site $350 + hotel/food; Zoom - $175

c.       Videos up on website for two months after event

d.       Videos show 18th century furniture and how it was made. Multiple cameras, excellent presenters

e.       Up close pictures, some upside down so you can see joinery, etc.

f.        Took notes in Word, then print screen during video to show specific pictures of process/items of interest.

5.       Doug showed UV glue & UV light

a.       Epoxy adhesive and UV light makes it cure in seconds.

b.       The light also shows leftover glue, in case you are trying to finish a project

c.       Passed around to see

6.       Break

7.       Presentation 2 by Doug: Turning a live edge bowl

a.       Doug showed some items that could be turned

b.       Showed wood blank sample to be done, then chucked in; ash with bark

c.       Worked on outside of bowl first. Used bowl gouge and worked on outside first, instead of inside

d.       Once outside is roughly formed, then re-chucked and changed to working inside

e.       On inside, worked from outside to in, because your gouge has more support that way

f.        Worked thickness of walls to ¼”. Sometimes he goes as thin as 1/8”, but its pretty flimsy

8.       Members Forum

a.       Prototype sign available if anyone interested to take it home. Built with wood donated by the late Jim Parise, former president. Dave Potts said he would take it

b.       Joanne’s Fabric is going out of business. Some fabrics there are good to cover bench for glue, or to make tool rolls. May get some deals.

c.       Shellac as a boat sealer? Team discussed that when you mix Shellac with Ammonia, it can make the substance waterproof.

d.       Discussion of UV light cured finish.

9.       April meeting will be at Rockler on April 3rd

10.   Meeting closed at 8:40 PM