February 6, 2025

Attendance: 33

1. Welcome; Meeting started at 7:06 PM

2. Treasurer’s Report

a. We were at 28 paid members,

b. We have $3572 in account

c. 4 new members in January

d. We have 30 members from 2024 who have yet to pay

3. Guests/First Meeting

a. Rich Dubois

i. Woodworking for 12 years

ii. Building for customers for 7 years

iii. Do everything – tables, beds, building dinette

b. Rich Dunbar

i. Voorhees

ii. Hobbyist

iii. School plays wardrobe, stuff for kids escape room

c. Larry Bopp

i. Medford

ii. Hobbyist – doing it for a few years

iii. Doing a lot for grandkids

iv. Woodturning as well

d. Andrew

i. Mullica Hill

ii. Getting back into woodworking after some time off

iii. Do a lot of turning

iv. Working on new stuff

e. Jim

i. Long time hobbyist

ii. At this point, mostly interested in toys for grandkids

iii. Mark mentioned doing toys for kids as a guild

4. Old Business

a. Colonial Williamsburg in January

i. Three of us went down to 18 th century seminar they have every year

ii. Dave Potts shared they had good demonstrators on 18 th century hand tool woodworking

iii. Used ultraviolet light to determine finishes used

iv. Demo’d a lot of techniques – not a lot of furniture, but how to do certain joinery

v. Planning to hook into TV next meeting and show the presentations

b. Discussion of video of new finish which dries under ultraviolet light

i. Members only have seen the video

ii. Some discussion from members on various glues used

iii. One member will bring his light in and we can try it out

c. January Tool Auction

i. The guild made $50, so $500 of material was sold

ii. Did not take commission on the widow’s tools. A lot of success with hers and sold about $1,000 of her stuff

5. Presentation 1: Election

a. Mike Richter talked about meeting location

i. Started the club 15+ years ago in church. Had a good guest speaker 8-9 months out of the year

ii. Now we’ve been at Rockler for 2 years, Mike doesn’t think it is an optimum location.

iii. Downside of church is Fee’s, no powered tools

iv. Upside, can use workbench, kitchen, more comfortable location

v. Open discussion by members on staying at Rockler vs. Church

1. Additional cost of dues. Was $50 when we met at church vs. $30 now

2. Space. Current meeting at Rockler is a little constrained

3. Access to purchasing new items, materials, etc.

b. Mark brings up election and votes

i. Nobody else wanted nomination for President – Mark Showers

ii. Nobody else wanted nomination for Vice President – Salman Halim

iii. Nobody else wanted nomination for Treasurer – Brad Sanders

iv. Nobody else wanted nomination for Secretary – Kevin Drevik

v. Additional board members – Steve Smith, John Owen, Mike Richter

c. Plan is to hold another election next February (2026)

6. Break

7. Presentation 2

a. John Owen showed old advertisement

i. Back cover of Pop Mechanics had cheap products

ii. Tablesaw for $14.99, Lathe for $9.99

b. Dominic

i. Reminder that you need to remind Rockler folks that they need to re-add the 10% guild discount. Rockler corporate purges their list

ii. Rockler discount is 10% to almost everything

iii. Does not apply to big name tool brands (Festool, Rikon, DeWalt, etc.)

iv. Does not double-dip i.e. 15% sale discount on wood and 10% guild discount does not give you 25%. You just get the best one (in this case 15%)

8. Member’s Forum

a. Any show and tell?

b. Doug Live edge bowl – small sample.

i. Some discussion on how to chuck it and use the tools in the lathe

c. Discussion of various museums that you can visit

9. New Business

a. March meeting will be at Rockler on March 6th

10. Meeting closed at 8:35 PM