May 2, 2024

1.     Welcome at 7:07 PM

a.     Mark showed off the guild sign that Steve made, now posted on the wall at the store

b.     Mark talked about the Jan/Feb guild auction

c.     Reminder that at 5 PM before the meeting, some of us meet at Iron Hill brewery for drinks, dinner and discussion

2.     Attendees: 38

3.     Treasurer (Brad)

a.     Treasurer’s report (money in account, number of members)

i.     A lot of new members, as of last month we have 37 members for 2024 year, but more signed up tonight

ii.     $3,328 in account

4.     Name Tags. Want to get name tags for everyone, so folks can see and recognize each other. Please turn them in at end of night

5.     New Members: give us your name, home town, woodworking interests, questions/challenges, and what they are looking for.

a.     Mark, Mt. Laurel, retired, just got into making Christmas toys for grandkids

b.     Kevin, Maple shade, not retired yet, spent a lot of money here, enjoy different types of woodworking

c.     Kevin Bradley: high school woodshop teacher, does all types of woodworking

d.     Charles, Philadelphia, custom furniture for 30 years, now down to basement, but doing grandkid projects, turning

e.     Mike, Edgewater Park, trying to figure out how to fit everything into his shop

f.       Bea, Vineland, here to learn how to build a picnic table & benches that won’t warp

g.     Alec, contractor for a while, built a few resin live edge, started turning. Learned a lot he doesn’t know

5.     Old Business

a.     Wintertur Trip.

i.     Mansion in Delaware, 175 rooms of American antique furniture.

ii.     Offered us the chance to take 30 people there on Tue May 21st, in the afternoon. Several possible visits.

iii.     New Exhibit by Jenny Alexander on green woodworking chairs. Entire library given to Winterthur

iv.     Dominy collection. Dominy workshop on site, four generations of woodworkers, Now the shop is at Winterthur in its entirety – so you can see a functioning 19th century woodworking shop, tools and all

v.     Meet at 1 PM at Cracker Barrel Restaurant at exit 1 on NJ turnpike. Carpool from there

6.     Members Forum – 10 Min

a.     Shop Tip (Kevin has elevation mechanism) – lubricate the saw

b.     Next Saturday, May 11th (Bordentown) is the remembrance for Jim Pariss at 1 PM – 3 PM. Past president, great person

c.     Picnic Tables

i.     Some recommendations on wood (Cedar) for picnic table build. Cypress is another potential wood, hardware should be stainless steel (Cedar will eat regular steel)

ii.     Medford Cedar has good pricing. Good point of contact

iii.     Popular woodworking has stuff online that is available for free

d.     Dave brought up his marquetry table as a demo piece

i.     Used white wood and tulip wood for the flowers

ii.     Went through a lot of his difficulties to work it down (sanding it down burned it, etc.)

iii.     Shellac finish

iv.     Wood is just core wood, walnut veneer, other woods for marquetry

7.     Break (Coffee, Shopping, etc.) – 15 Min

8.     KPW Machinery Inc

a.     Kevin Walsh – liquidating machinery and tooling for folks

b.     Sold to all sorts of customers, industrial and individual

c.     Located in West Chester, PA and Riverton

d.     Working on website. Phone number is 856-283-7662 (Norm) or 215-920-6636 (Kevin)

9.     Presentation 1: Marquetry (Phil Truong)

a.     What is marquetry, how he got started, etc.

b.     Marquetry is decorative techniques used to make intricate patterns

c.     Provided demo pieces for folks to look at

d.     Started with a laser cutter and a 3D printer. Tried to find different things he could make with laser cutter

e.     Started with coasters, branched out

f.       New approaches – painting vs. resin

g.     Lessons you can learn – coaster thickness, epoxy bubbles, paint bleed

h.     Look out for “scope creep” in your design decisions

10. Presentation 2: Table Model Easel design & build (John Owen)

a.     Discussed pallets and easels for painting. First is simple piece of plywood with clips

b.     Displayed a simple desktop holder – holds the painting, can stand it upright, so you can work on it

c.     Also showed a floor model easel, on wheels, to be able to move back & forth. Based footprint on family room, sed 1x3s, hardware, etc.

d.     Uses weights as counterweights, adjustable (based on the weights you put on in back) so you can move it up & down by hand

11. New Business – 5 Min

a.     June 6th will be next meeting

b.     July Meeting will be July 11th (the first Thursday is the 4th)

c.     Hearne Hardwoods trip (Sep/Oct 2024). Carpool? Kevin Drevik will be bringing a large van so folks can purchase wood and bring home. Club will make some decision next meeting

12. Meeting Closed at 8:45 PM
