January 7, 2021

Total # of Attendees: 21


  1. Jim opened up the zoom meeting at 7 PM

  2. General conversation and project/tool bragging started the meeting

  3. EJ talked about a new spokeshave from Heartwood Tools.

  4. Phil showed his square “bowl” that he turned on his lathe.

  5. The meeting started at 7:15 PM

  6. Jim had some starting notes

    1. We have some guild resources that are available (planes, Triton tools such as a whetstone grinder and a track saw) that are available. Please contact Jim to identify what you’d like.

    2. Looking for a volunteer to be the librarian to track and give out tools. Salman volunteered.

    3. Dues: we haven’t had to spend much money (just Zoom). Dave is looking at PayPal account for us to credit to. We should have more info for next meeting, but the dues may be capped at $30 for 2021.

  7. EJ came to give us a presentation on her business.

    1. Her site is on http://hurricanewoodwork.com

    2. Started woodworking 7 years ago, business 5 years ago

    3. Got a bunch of power tools to start, now focusing more on hand tools

    4. Everything from small items (cutting boards, woodburning, etc) up to tables, furniture, etc.

    5. Have done waterfall tables and epoxy.

      1. Need protective gloves (it will stick to everything)

      2. HTPE or Tyvex tape (for small items) to prevent leaks

      3. Keeping color consistency is difficult with large pours because it takes multiple batches (you shouldn’t pour more than ½”, but ¼” is better)

      4. Have to pour, wait till it’s almost cured (tacky) then put on next one, so it bonds better

      5. Went through gallery of her work

      6. Use Odie’s Oil for finish

        1. Traditionally meant for finishing floors.

        2. Low VOC with a proprietary recipe) Food safe

        3. Wipe it on in small amounts (she used Brillo pads) and buff it into grain. After 45 minutes buff it out. She uses 3 coats.

        4. Available on Amazon. $38 for 9oz – finished two bedframes with one jar

    6. Dominick complimented her on her work and getting started in the business so early, and so quickly

    7. Some discussion on the table (how built, use of Festool’s Domino, waterfall & epoxy methods)

    8. Exotic wood she got from Diamond Tropical Hardwoods in Sellersville, PA (warehouse). Also use exotics (canary wood, osage orange, etc.). Domestics from Groff & Groff Lumber

    9. Shop is rented, currently located in Kensington in Philadelphia (cheapest for SF) but wants to eventually buy a home and build a shop

  8. Frank and Dave showed their latest works. Frank’s cutting board included very thin pieces, including one piece that was just 1/16” x 1/16”.

  9. Meeting concluded around 8:30 PM